The Vault Regulars

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blogger has gone stupid

Recently when commenting i have been confronted by this stupid double password caper.
It's absolutely bonkers. What are these software people doing.
Go back to the original PLEASE.
Or, am i the only one who thinks it's a password to far.


  1. A sign of the times I'm afraid, we are all bombarded with spam these days and the old CAPCHA was probably too easy: sophisticated bots could do it automatically by OCR.
    I'm very familiar with that new one and I almost always get it right first time now, but occasionally it can be difficult - fortunately it does give you a 'Refresh' button to obtain a new pair. You can also ask for an Audio version instead.

  2. I have you thought of integrating disqus comments in here instead of the standard google one?

  3. Thanks GeoffC, But is there any need to make some of them so hard to read. I had 3 goes at one comment today.

  4. Tookie. No, i had never heard of it until now. I will have a look when i get a chance. Thanks.

  5. Oh God. I blooming well HATE that style of word recognition thing: I hardly EVER get it right.
    Blogger seem too be doing everything possible to p*ss us off: All my comment time stamps are completely wrong and have been for a few weeks now and it is still not resolved.

    Thanks for the heads up Alan

  6. I am not kidding - It just took me seven or eight goes to publish that comment. This is STUPID!

  7. The issue I have with Blogger is the photo uploading which today seemed to take FOREVER and EVER.......surely it shouldn't be that difficult?
    The word recognition things? I never get it right first time and then seem to go round and round in circles before it 'takes' my comment.
    Let's hope this one is ok - I'm not sure I'll remember what I wrote........right, here goes.....

  8. The only way to make it hard for OCR-equipped bots is to make it fairly hard for humans too. A pain to be sure.
    As I say it does get a lot easier with practice, I've done hundreds of this particular CAPCHA and very rarely fail on the first attempt now.

  9. GeoffC,
    They can have 6 passwords for all i care as long as i can read them, which i don't seem to be able to do.
    I suppose it also depends on what screen size you use as well sometimes.
    I am now purposely getting it wrong so that the next group i am given i might find it easier to read.
    There has to be a better way.

  10. Al, Was that STUPID you put! I couldn't quite read it.

  11. Hi Laura,
    I doubt that upload speed will have anything to do with blogger but the frustrating bl--dy word thing is doing my head in.

  12. Indeed there are easier ways. Some now ask a trivial question that any human can answer but bots can't (for English-speaking readers that is).
    Incidentally you don't have to get it wrong deliberately to get a new pair of words, just click the 'Refresh' icon next to the box.

  13. Thanks Geoffc, I will use that in future instead of banging the table, and see how it goes.

    1. I have had to book an appointment with the optician to sort this one out. Are Google sponsored by Boots in their 'Blogger' department, I wonder?

  14. Hi Martin,
    The trouble is that the developers are probably all in the 20’s and havn’t yet had a need for glasses.
    No pun intended but, they need to have another LooK at it.

  15. I need about 4 attempts to get these correct! I'm just about to try again on this one too!!

  16. Hi Gibson,
    I have found one way of increasing the odds on getting it right.
    When i have completed my comment i make the page bigger so that i can read the 2 words better.
    It doesn't work every time but it has worked most times.


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