The Vault Regulars

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hexamine Fuel Tablets

 Just a short post which I am passing on information that I came upon by chance. 

Since October 2023 it is now illegal to carry, use or even possess in your shed, garage etc Hexamine fuel tablets without a government licence. If found then you could get a 2 year jail sentence. ( not that there is any room in our jails and I don’t expect that there will be a purge by our stretched Police forces to do shed searches. 

However this is now law and as we know, laws have to be obeyed no matter how stupid. 

Licences are £39.95 if you are from the U.K. and last 3 yrs. If you are a foreigner then you also need to apply for another piece of red tape making sure that you are a fit person to apply for the licence. The mind boggles. 

Anyway all you folk who use solid fuel tablets take note. 


  1. One wonders at spending time enshrining a law of such triviality with little evidence of the Gov. tackling the NHS, failing service industries, homelessness, et al.


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