The next thing on our Lincoln to do trip was to visit the IBCC. We were staying at the Premier Inn which was in an ideal location to do everything we wanted to do in Lincoln. I checked the map and decided it was an easy walk from our hotel and would take about 30-40 minutes. We could have caught a bus or even got a taxi, both very convenient.
Setting off south down the busy A1434, it was rush hour, it was busy and the footpaths were quite congested with students heading for the colleges and Uni. The footpaths are quite wide and we made good progress. At one point we had to cross the road and take 2 flights of stairs onto a flyover which led down to Canwick.
On route we crossed the River Witham and the footpath of the Spires and Steeples trail which fellow blogger Bowland Climber had recently completed.
We passed a well kept cemetery and I noticed on the map there was a large field area called "Cow Paddle". We crossed the road again onto south common, a stretch of open land, "common land" which had many horses grazing. An unusual sight in a town these days.
A footpath borders south common and takes you to a gate in the IBCC north fence. It was icy and quite steep in places, muddy too but we made it to the fence without falling or ice skating back down the slope. The gate was locked and the sign read "not open until March". I thought why don't they put a sign at the bottom of the path and save people wasting time. A question I asked in the IBCC reception. The answer I received was "I didn't know it was locked".
Anyway we walked round the perimeter fence until we came to a bus stop with the adjacent gate open.
We paid the entrance fee of £12 each and I got £1 off for being an old codger. Very generous. The museum was only opened in 2018. The centre was created to mark the sacrifice given by Aircrew, ground crew and all the support staff that lost their lives whilst serving with RAF Bomber command.
The first thing you see apart from the 31metre tall memorial spire which is a visible landmark from everywhere is a model bomber.
Large Model Lancaster Bomber, outside reception.
Once inside there is an interactive map showing you where the air bases were including the training bases. There is also a gift shop which I thought was very expensive. I was going to buy a "t" shirt as I am a bit of a collector, but not at £26. There is also a very nice cafe which we sampled. The staff being extremely enthusiastic.
Once into the museum proper, we sat down in an amphitheater to watch a film about the history and reasons for RAF bomber command. 60 nations were involved with BC and there is a large map on the wall with all the missions lit up by date so that you can see where the bombers were used as the conflicts grew. As we all known the life expectancy of a bomber crew was not very long, bombers are large, slow and easy targets for anti-aircraft guns. I didn't realise that Bomber Command still operated until 1968.
The reality.
There was lots of video footage and audio of what was said during a mission and also individual memoirs of those that survived the war.
In the grounds of the IBCC there are memorial gardens and as I mentioned earlier there is a 31 metre tall spire and many walls of remembrance with the names of those that never came home. We saw quite a few of our own namesakes with we will look into in the near future.
Looking through the spire you can see Lincoln Cathedral.
A view of Lincoln Cathedral from outside the spire.
Looking upwards through the spire. It reminded me of a bomb bay.
Anyone remember the Anderson shelter. I remember going down into my Gran's shelter in the 1950's.
I hope that this next paragraph doesn't put anyone off from going because it is worth a visit.
I was somewhat disappointed with the Museum. It's more of a learning centre and remembrance centre in my opinion. A museum should have lots of memorabilia, Bombs for example of the different types used for different objectives, maybe one bomber at least. I wanted to climb into a bomber. Bomb aimers tools, charts, Anti aircraft guns, Searchlights etc etc. This is what I had an impression of in my mind before going and that is the reason I was disappointed.
It would have been nice to see this old Fordson tractor. Well, there has to be a tractor doesn't there.
Image courtesy of IBCC.
A couple of images taken from the wall of the cafe. I thought they said it all.
A sombre subject that we as a nation must not allow to decline in our memories. Here are two extracts from my blog posts that have relevance, one from recent D Day commemoration events and the other during my MacMillan Way walk from Boston to Barmouth. I have memories of being dragged into our coal cellar during the night and had nightmares about it for years afterwards.
In the days immediately before this event I noticed several headlines in the on-line news platforms I read such as "What was D-Day?" What a sad requirement that anybody, even eighty years on, should need to have this explained. Do we teach history at school?
June 25, 2014. (From Woodhall Spa)
I have booked in at another B and B and am eating in THE LANCASTER a so called brasserie. The name and interior decor confirm a connection with The Dam Busters, photos etc. When I asked the bar staff exactly what that connection was they had no idea, not even heard of a The Dam Busters, went off to consult management and came back to say nobody knew! So much for "we will never forget them".
The Dam Busters 617 Squadron were based at the Woodhall Spa airfield although for the dam raid they took off from an airfield in Lincolnshire. There is an impressive memorial to them in the main street of Woodhall Spa that is hugely prominent and emotionally descriptive and completely unmissable. It is inconceivable that anybody living there would not be aware of its raison d'ĂȘtre, and to a lesser extent, the meaning behind the naming of the eating establishment named in my post.
Hi Conrad, thanks for taking the time to add words from your blog posts and experiences. You are correct that we shouldn't forget what happened. We are lucky that Bomber Command are even recognised as many in power wanted the whole thing swept under the carpet and Harris forgotten. Thankfully it didn't happen as bomber command drastically shortened the war.
ReplyDeleteWhy people today have no clue about Dam Busters, D Day etc is beyond me as I know that our Granddaughter who is 16 knows everything about it.
The Cathedral has a section dedicated to the armed forces including Bomber Command. I'm not sure if BC on his blog photographed the area. I will check.
The atmosphere is very moving in the museum, I will say very library like. While we were there a very large party of school kids were being escorted round the site and they all seemed to be very interested and were very respectful.