The Vault Regulars

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hamburg or Hamburger sir.

Debbie, that's Sheila's sis booked this hotel ages ago and at the same time checked out Christmas lunch menu. She then booked a table for all 6 of us.
The menu wasn't great but adequate for us.

So 12.00 noon came along and we made our way to the restaurant and to our table which was nicely set out in Christmas flora etc.

Then we were given a menu. Burger and chips or Burger without chips. We all looked at each other in bewilderment, a bit speechless. Debbie asked for the Christmas menu which she had been sent when we booked the table but we were told we couldn't have that because we hadn't booked the food.

But we booked a table for Christmas lunch we explained. Yes but you didn't book Christmas lunch was the reply.

Now if you were running a hotel and months in advance somebody books a table for Christmas lunch, would you not find it a bit strange if they didn't book the meal. In that case would you not reply when you confirmed the table booking that no meal had been booked, and was it an oversight?

But no. They let us book a table and no meal. Crackers or what.
So we splashed out the Euro's and went for the full burger and chips. They did offer us ice cream for desert which was very kind of them wasn't it.

To be honest I wasn't upset but Debbie was a little upset as you can imagine. We still had a laugh which was more than our other guests on adjacent tables were having.
After lunch we departed to our room for a bit of a party which went on until 8.30pm, I think.

I don't think the hotel staff were very happy this morning as they have cleaned the room but left all the empty bottles and there is quite a few. Oh well.


  1. The daft burgers...!

    I'll get me hat.


  2. The daft burgers love hats JJ. And I wish I had shares in Jack Wolfskin. WO!

  3. What wine did you have?

    Perhaps it was revenge for WW2.

    All the best for 2014.

    1. We are in a Spanish chain of Hotel's so the wine was the best Rioja.
      Cheers Conrad. Shushhhhh. Don't mention the 'erm!

  4. Was the proprieter a very tall man who kept mentioning the war ?


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